The Lovely List


I've been a little quiet on social media and on this blog over the past few days, but I've been so busy I've barely had time to think about posting, never mind actually write anything. The weekend has been lovely though; my sister got engaged yesterday (and it was her birthday too!) and today Mr CC and I actually managed to squeeze a bit of time for each other and go out for brunch.


I've also managed to steal snippets of moments to read a few posts online and here's what's been keeping me occupied...

You know when you see a recipe and think, 'there is absolutely no way I won't like this'? This is that recipe.

If you're fed up of cordial but still want something to do with elderflowers try this interesting mix.

I'm trying to read more. If you are too, but need some inspiration, check out this list or past book posts here.

And finally, if you needed any excuse to have a good giggle, check out these benefits of laughing.



P.S. I've been so busy I even neglected Floral Friday, so I hope you enjoy the lovely florals in this post instead!