Midweek Motivation

cs lewis quote

I've never been one of those people who say, 'I know exactly what I'm going to do with my life and how to get there.' Don't get me wrong, I've worked hard for things over the past few years; I've gained qualifications, changed jobs and formulated a whole host of new visions for my life, but they've always been in a state of constant evolution. I guess I've reached the stage now where people would argue I've achieved a lot of my goals and so should be satisfied and I suppose to an extent I am, but there is still this small part of me that longs for something else. Something more.

I've always loved the process of learning and I think it is the challenge of new things that keeps me going in life, and it is the challenges I present myself that motivate me the most. Like this blog, for example. Plenty of people question where I find time to blog, and why I push myself to do it, but it's another of those visions, it's something I really want to do, and why not? I suppose today is a moment to sit back and reflect that it's ok to have these new dreams. Who's to say I can't go out there and achieve whatever I set my mind too? You're never too old, or too settled, to change.

What do you think?
