The Lovely List

For most people, today marks the first day back into the swing of working life for 2015. It's never easy to spring out of bed on days like today, but I'm hoping that my Christmas gift from Mr CC (a lumia lamp) will ease the pain of rising quite so early and switching my brain back on. The past week or so has been a haze of films, twinkly lights and piles of chocolate wrappers; I'm sad that the festive season has drawn to a close, but am truly looking forward to what the year ahead has to offer.


I love the idea of selecting a word to focus your energies on throughout the year, and Sarah has chosen 'creativity' - read all about why in her post here. Choosing just one word is quite a task for a logophile like myself, but considering the resolutions I have made and the plans we have for the year ahead, 'bright' seems like a positive choice. I'm determined to focus on creating joy and light in my life and that of others, making sure to always see the silver linings through tough times. The name 'Eleanor' is also said to mean 'bright', which is a happy coincidence. Have you selected a word for the 2015?

Discovering a new blog that becomes a favourite straight away is a such a wonderful feeling, and Craft Fox has become just that this week. Head over to this post where Josephine gives tips on making the perfect mini roast potatoes.

With so many lists and resolutions flying around it can be easy to dismiss and move on, but this set of thirty goals really resonates with me. I might even try a few myself...

Steph's blog posts are always so inspiring and really capture the essence of the countryside surrounding her home. These wintry photos are no exception.

Are you ready for a fresh start? Are there any posts I've missed this week?

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