Posts tagged August
August in Pictures
August in Pictures
August in Pictures

(From top left): turning back the decades over the bank holiday; exploring vintage displays on a whirlwind visit to Lancaster; the last of the garden's summer wild-flowers; camping coffee pot; beautiful butterflies; harvesting the corn; collecting lavender to dry and freshen linen; outdoor theatre at the Old Palace, Lincoln; embracing the new season picking blackberries.

The cooler weather as we entered August made every summer's day feel like it could be the last, so we squeezed everything we could from the sunshine hours. We haven't done everything I wanted to this month; stargazing has slipped by the wayside and our barbecues have had to be hastily rushed inside because of the rain, but as we leave behind balmy nights and golden hours we can look back and feel content. This month more than any other I have struggled to choose images for this round-up because I have documented so many happy moments, so many snatches of memories.

When I was younger my friends would question my desire to take so many photographs, and after I left university I lost the urge to chronicle every step of my life, but as the days slip away and the seasons wane I find myself returning to the camera. This is only my sixth post of the year in pictures, but already I find myself looking over the previous posts, recalling just how incredible a year it has been, and I think it is the very act of storing memories to return to at a later date that truly makes us appreciate the positives in our lives.

So onwards to September in just a few short days. A breath of fresh air and a rustle of leaves and we'll be into the new season before we know it, so let's revel in the excitement of change as the light fades and the rain lingers.

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Eat Seasonably in August

Lettuce can often start to bolt during a hot August, but it’s still wonderful to add to pretty much any meal. If you’ve got a surplus, or the selection in your fridge is past its best, blitz it and add potatoes, cucumber and fresh herbs for a cooling summer soup. If tomatoes are more your glut of choice, try something similar and cook up a gazpacho.

Raspberries are best enjoyed freshly picked from the plant, but you can also preserve them in a number of different ways. Try adding to the juice of lemons to create a cordial or lemonade, or whip up a raspberry vinegar to add to salads in the winter. Or just keep things simple, and freeze ready to make smoothies and desserts later in the year.

The season is short, but if you can get your hands on fresh sweetcorn, it’s a delight and makes such a simple supper dish when served with lashings of butter and slices of crusty bread. To make more of a dinner party dish, add a side of peeled courgettes fried up with lemon juice.

Goals for August

August is going to be a good month, I've decided. I am planning to enjoy every last bit of these summer days both on our holiday to the Lakes and at home. It's time I really embraced the season; although I try to live as seasonally as possible it has been more difficult the busier I have got at work, and the garden (and produce) has been somewhat neglected this year. I suppose it's a question of balance; between work and home, house and garden, family and time together. So this month I'm going to try and get that balance just right!

Last month's goals were on the whole successful - I have definitely started to enjoy cooking again (tuna steak, tomatilla salsa and homemade wedges last night!) and doing more has linked nicely with spending time with family. That being said, I could still do with finding a little more space in my life for actual activities rather than just obsessive Netflix marathons. But the less said about those the better.

Goals for August
Goals for August

My goals for August are a little more specific than previous months, which I hope will allow me to focus in on what I want to achieve. Swimming in a lake is something that definitely needs to happen when we go away; the camp-site we're staying at is right next to a lake so it would be rude not to, right? (I am desperately hoping for good weather for this one!)

Sending out save-the-dates is something we've been meaning to do for a while but just haven't got round to. Mr CC has designed them so I'm pretty excited, I just need to send them to the printers now!

Normally I take part in Circle of Pine Tree's The Year in Bookswhich means I always read at least 1 book a month. Now I have a bit of time to myself, my aim is to read 2, and with quite apt timing a few friends and I are starting a book club to discuss and drink once a month. Any recommendations for future reads?

Finally I'm going to let myself get creative again. I always bake the same things - I'm a pro at sponge cakes and cookies - but I really want to try something new. Bring on the frosting. And considering my craft space is currently non-existent, I am definitely going to get something sorted out, and soon. Charlotte-Heather has been sending me motivational tweets so I am determined it will happen!

What are your goals for August? Are you trying out anything new?


P.S. How's your Big Summer List going? Check out mine here!