July in the Garden


July is the month of green in our garden. June is for new life, August is a blaze of colour, but July is definitely the lush, green month. Not that I'm complaining! The weather this year has made for a particularly fast growing season and I can't seem to mow the lawn often enough, although this has meant that the borders have been filled with plants. Looking back at this time last year we definitely had a lot more produce on the go, and it makes me a little sad that I've just not had the time to dedicate to growing as much as I'd like, but other things have to take priority sometimes. We have lots of exciting plans for next year, and are determined to set aside small chunks of time each week so that come summer we can be rolling in courgettes, lettuces and a whole range of other delights.

Creative Countryside - July in the Garden

So here's what the garden has looked like over the past month: (from top left) I've let this thistle grow wild in the front border just because I love the shape; an area of solitude to escape the busy day and hot midday sun; beautiful evening sunsets; the tree-lined drive into our little set of houses is a joy to return home to, particularly when the sun falls through the leaves like this; my parents' dogs certainly enjoy the relaxation of these lazy days; the branch is gone (!) - Mr CC got sick of our patio area losing the light so early so one morning he got his saw out...and then it was gone; more spherical, spiky beauty; a few green tomatoes hinting at what's to come; a bright pop of scarlet from the crocosmia.

What's in your garden at the minute? Have you managed to grow anything new this year?


P.S. Want to see how the garden looks at other times of the year? Check out previous 'The Year in the Garden' posts here!