Goals: July


My goals for June were - I have to admit - a little ambitious. That is, they would have been achievable had life not pushed into every spare second and kept me busy from dusk until dawn. This sounds like an excuse, and I suppose in a way it is, but I don't want these goals to be something I should feel negatively about; after all I set them for myself, and if I don't achieve them it's only me that really suffers.


Goal number 1 was definitely achieved; I even did some gardening after work one evening! Goal number 3 was also fulfilled (Mr CC is pretty glad this one is over and done with). The rest were a little more difficult. I am, however, determined to persevere and will keep looking back to June's goals as well as those for the month ahead. So without further ado...

goals for july
  1. Watch less, do more. I'm still in the habit of sitting in front of a film or the television after a long day at work. Must resist!
  2. Start to enjoy cooking again. I go through phases and lose my motivation for cooking, usually when I'm busy at work or otherwise, and currently I'm experiencing a lull in my cooking creativity. It's time to get the recipe books out.
  3. Make more time for family. Although I see my close family on a regular basis I would like to spend more time with relatives that live outside my village. I'm a busy person, but it's all about prior planning and realising that some things are more important than worrying about fitting everything in.
  4. Stop feeling guilty. About eating unhealthily sometimes. About forgetting to exercise. About everything, really.
  5. Get inspired. This links quite nicely with my second goal, but I also want it to apply to this blog and my creative writing in other spaces. It's about time I sat down and appreciated all of these inspirational people and places that surround my life.

Have you set any goals for July? Do you want to work on any of the same things I do?


P.S. Want to see my previous goals?

Goals for June Goals for May Goals for April