The Foraged Home
The notion of recycling and repurposing has had in upsurge of late, not only among the thrifty and eco-conscious, but also for those searching out something unique for themselves or their home. The Foraged Home appeals on this level as well as the sustainable notion of living off grid with its “celebration of self-sufficiency” set among such beautiful imagery to inspire some foraging of ones own.
Written and photographed by Oliver Maclennon and Joanna Maclennon (respectively), we are taken on not one journey in this book, but several, as we follow them into the homes and lives of those finding beauty and purpose in what surrounds them.
The Locksmiths House - The Foraged Home
The interiors featured within these pages have drawn on natural sources around the world to be furnished with salvaged objects: pieces that have been recycled or repurposed. From the dump, to the beach, via a flea market or two, the items found are as varied as their locations. However, what they have in common is a previous life, a story, whether known or forever lost.
Stories are also wound within the book itself, as we are drawn into each environment, each home, and begin to explore vicariously. We learn about what has motivated this surge in foraging, and how connecting to both nature and more urban landscapes can bring joy in other areas of our lives.
The Locksmiths House - The Foraged Home
As we discover each home, we are welcomed within as Joanna and Oliver were as they sought to bring this project to life. It is not just a home that we get to know either, but those who live there, sharing their passion and joy.
From an upturned boat in France, to an Australian beach house, each location is unique, but shares a carefully curated feel, this is not an amalgamation of disconnected items, but a myriad of collections that inspire us to consider more carefully what we put into our own homes, and yes, our lives too.