Rewild & Slow
Day 4: Marcia Soligo
A long time ago, I learned that we can find all the four nature elements in our bodies: our blood is water, our flesh is the earth, our breath is the air and our spirit is fire. Our body is a sacred temple and we are one with nature.
When we become aware of this deep connection, we can understand how nature is essential for living a balanced life. We notice the cycles, the need for rest during winter, the call for adventure when spring starts. But in my perception, I see that even though this is something inherently ours, we still need to nourish it because it’s easy to separate ourselves from all of that and spend our whole lives unaware of something that is us.
As an author, I draw inspiration from nature for there’s nothing more magical and surprising than the wild. I also believe that fantasy literature is capable of creating a portal that can show us nature’s true powers, mysteries, and wonders in ways that we can understand.
Through my stories I strive to inspire people to see the magic in nature, spend time outside and try to hear what the wind is saying. Because that’s what I do every single day. To feel balanced, creative, and joyful, I take long walks outside with my dog and whenever possible, I’ll go to the ocean or into a forest and have silent conversations with what surrounds me.
In my understanding, connecting with nature is something very simple and personal. It can mean a ritual, or not. It can mean walking barefooted or meditating under the sun. It doesn’t matter, it just has to come from a place of love and respect and I truly believe that once you’re connected, nature itself will show you what you need.
Marcia Soligo always felt inspired by nature and compelled to tell stories about it, which led to a creative career as an author and photographer. Since a young age, Marcia used to brew potions with garden plants, create fantastic worlds in her yard and spend hours playing in the water. In her first novel The Portals of Tartae: The Land with the Two Moons, she tells the story of this place where nature is worshipped, and its magic is very much alive. Marcia was born in Brazil and currently lives in Florida with her husband and dog. You can find her website here, and follow along on Instagram @mahsoligo.